ياس العلي للصحافة Yas AL_Ali Journalism
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ياس العلي للصحافة Yas AL_Ali Journalism

منتدى متخصص بالصحافة الحرة نشر وتعليق وتحليل للمقالات والأخبار والأحداث صحافة متخصصة وأرشيف لتاريخ الصحاقة بالعراق والعالم العربي وموقع مفتوح لكل من يود النشر والمساهمة رقم الأعتماد في نقابة الصحفيين العراقيين بغداد
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 رمضان للصيام وأنا لست مثلك من شعب الصيامRamadan to fast and I'm not like you from the people of fasting

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 518
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/10/2011
العمر : 64
الموقع : https://yasjournalist.yoo7.com/

رمضان للصيام وأنا لست مثلك من شعب الصيامRamadan to fast and I'm not like you from the people of fasting Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رمضان للصيام وأنا لست مثلك من شعب الصيامRamadan to fast and I'm not like you from the people of fasting   رمضان للصيام وأنا لست مثلك من شعب الصيامRamadan to fast and I'm not like you from the people of fasting Emptyالأحد مايو 28, 2017 6:49 pm

رمضان للصيام وأنا لست مثلك من شعب الصيامRamadan to fast and I'm not like you from the people of fasting
هذا العنوان مقولة قالها احد مشاهير الصحافة في امريكا و تحدث عن عدم قناعته بتعذيب الانسان لنفسه و اعتبر الصيام عقوبة جماعية و ادرك قائلا هي معتقدات و تع8عاليم دينية اخيرا !سحب الثقة من وزارة المالكي وإلغاء الاتفاقيات لم يكن محنة أربيل كبار السياسيين والعراقيين وبغداد تحدث كقاهرة في مصر، وكان يسمى في القرن العشرين في مصر ومصر يقولون أنني ذاهب إلى مصر تعني القاهرة لهذا اليوم، لأنها أظهرت ميزة حزب شهوة لها هي أكبر فكرة وطنية، دونس أنها لا إهفلوا أو التفكير في خطر النتائج، فمن المهم لهزيمة الخصم أو التخلي تماما ، وبالتالي مظاهر العزوف عن الوضع السياسي للشعب، حتى لو كانت تسميه التسامح ولكن العراق إذا زخه إذا أوهلا دماغه، وهذا يعني في اللغة العربية من شأنه أن يدمر الثورة إذا كان صامتا على فساد أي خطط قادمة، ولكن إذا فكر الناس كما أرادوا وقال الناس يفكرون أيضا في ذلك، وكما فعلوا، كما قالوا، لتكثر الأحزاب، ويخضع اليوم لسيطرة عدد قليل منهم التي لديها ميليشيات مسلحة إلى أنا موس هيغ والعاطفة بالقوة، والمنافسة في الصعود على حساب المطالبة بالحقوق والخدمات للشعب، وإتاحة الفرصة لأتباع تلوث الحضارة من المتسللين على العراقيين بظهور أحداثهم وتنفيذ رغبات الخارج، إذا كنا والعودة إلى الماضي في ملائكة مهبط الطائرات العراق وأرض الأنبياء على سبيل المثال، في ليلة ليالي الصيف كان صافي هسكيل أسير سبت اليهود في مملكة بابل التأمل في السماء وعلى ضفة نهر خابور ، جنوب بغداد رأى نارية كما في كتاب هسكيل التوراة يحظر النشر، تنازلي على ارتفاع ثلاثة أشخاص كما طول الرجل ثلاث مرات وفتح الباب لهم والأبيض الفاتح وأرسل السلام وقال له، صعدنا إلى أورشليم، أنت نبي هذه المرة، وما إلى ذلك من الرواية، ويعتقد اليهود أنهم شعب الله المختار والناس من المعادن الأخرى، ونظريتهم أنه من المستحيل لجعل الذهب والنحاس، والناس ويعتقدون أن تسلسل الإنسان له دور المفكر الفرنسي ديكارت لم يتابع والديه لكنه قال عن ذلك - أن والدته توفيت بعد ثلاثة أشهر من الولادة وأورثث اصفرار اللون وضعف البنية التحتية، وكان ذلك في مقالته عن المناهج، ونصح الناس قائلين - ليس هدفي أنا أعرف النهج هو لكل واحد لمتابعة من أجل تحسين قيادة عقله، ولكن غرضي تظهر أي وجوه، حاولت أن تقود ذهني، والفكرة من ديكارت عدم دراسة وعدد كبير من العلم ولكن من التخصص من قبل المواهب ونجاح كل واحد، والتدريس والتعلم هو من قبل ذلك، ونحن الهدبوت النبي قال - يا رب أنا أسعى العلم الخاص بك لا يعمل، ونحن نرى إن إجماع الأفكار بين الفلاسفة والكتاب لأنهم من مصدر واحد، هو الهتوريك، وقال أبو هلال، الجيش في كتابه، وهما الصناعات، ما يشبه المثل الشعبي المصري _ مالك كارين أي وظيفتين كاذب، لأنه هل لا يعمل ما يخلقه ويقطع واحد منهم، وبراكي يقولون فقدوا الرستن أو المشيتين، عبد القاهر في كتابه - أسرار بلاغة قال - أخذ ذلك وهكذا من وهكذا وهكذا، ولكن حسن النية، يمكن أن يكون الكاتب كان لم يسبق له مثيل في التعامل مع الصدفة، ولم يكن النهج المتبع في البحث العلمي يسمح لمواصلة البوكت في الظاهرة والبدء حيث ملخص سابق وقليل لما وصلت إليه، والظلم، على سبيل المثال، الذي اتهمه الكاتب الكوميدي دانتي الإلهي أنه فقد سرقت الأفكار تعامل أبو علاء المري في رسالة الغفران، وفي الشعر انتقد الشاعر العربي الجاهل رجل يقيس شعر الشعر ويعزى إلى نفسه وتشابهه مع أفكار الشعراء العرب، فقال: - وكم من الوضع الجيد المنقول __ فد مزايا الخطايا، وبينما يقول نفس الفكرة سيتري - إذا __ ماهنيلاي يتضح من الخطايا، ويقول لي كيفية الاعتذار ؟.
المتنبي _ أردت إذا أنا هاجاي الازدهار __ مكل ما رغبة متسقة ذاتيا، وما شابه ذلك ما هو ابن الرومي __ ما كل ما يأمل واحد أن يفهم من قبل __ تأتي رياح السفن أتشيتا، ونجد الشاعر جاهل قبل الإسلام سبغاهما فكرة فنولها أسلوبه، قائلا __ فايك بحاجة إلى أي وقت مضى الحيل دون ____ وجميع ما يحب الصبي هو نائلة، على غرار بعض النقاد، فكرة النثر والشعر عند قراءة طه حسين قال، وليس منطقة باريس ككل الأرض، وما إلى ذلك، والشاعر علي محمود طه على حبهم لمدينة باريس، وقال علي طه الشعر __ أنا لست بنية أو الأرض أو __ غاب لجنة أوسدولا غيود، والشاعر جاهل قبل الإسلام العرب يعترفون أن اللغة الموروثة ريبوبليكاتيون من جميع الناس يقولون عن ذلك __
ما يقوله أوزنا ليس على سبيل الإعارة ___ أو مادا في تخيل مكرورا، وشدة المنافسة تشبه الحرارة العالية للشمس، وعامة الناس يقولون إن الحرارة الشديدة هي العصب القاتل ومدير رؤوس وجهتها،
Ramadan to fast and I'm not like you from the people of fasting
Withdrawal of confidence from the Ministry of Maliki and the abolition of This is the title of a saying by one of the famous press in America and talked about his lack of conviction of torture of himself to himself and considered fasting a collective punishment and realized that it is beliefs and the definition of 8 religious cues finally agreements Erbil ordeal major politicians and the Iraqis and Baghdad did not take place as Cairo in Egypt and was called in the twentieth century the province of Egypt and the Egyptians say that I am going to Egypt meant Cairo for the day, because it showed the advantage lust party to it is the largest of the idea of ​​national, Duns it did not Ihfloa or think about the danger of the results, it is important to defeat the opponent or give up completely, and therefore the manifestations of aversion to the political status of the people, even if what she called the tolerance but the Iraqi if Zkhh if Ohla his brain, which means in Arabic would destroy the revolution if it is silent on the corruption of any plans to come, but if Think of people as they wanted and said people also think about it, and did as they said, to abounded parties and is today under the control of a few of them that have armed militias to impose hegemony by force, and competition in the ascendancy at the expense claim to the rights and services for the people, and the opportunity to followers of the pollution of civilization from intruders on the Iraqis emerged their events and implement the wishes of the outside, if we go back to the past in Iraq airstrip angels and the land of the prophets for example, _ on the night of the summer nights the net was Hskiel captive Speight Jews in the kingdom of Babylon meditating in the sky and on the bank of the river Khabur, south of Baghdad saw fireballs as in the Book of Hskiel of the Torah prohibited publication , descended upon the three persons height as the length of man three times and opened the door to them and the light white and sent down peace and said to him, go up with us to Jerusalem, you are a prophet this time, etc. of the novel, and Jews believe they are God's chosen people and people from other metal, and their theory that it is impossible to make copper gold, and people metals, and they believe the sequence of the human has the role of the French thinker Descartes was not praising his parents but said about it _ that his mother died after three months of birth and Oorthth yellowing of color and poor infrastructure, and that was in his article about the curriculum, and advised the people saying _ not my purpose I know approach is for each one to follow in order to improve the leadership of his mind, but my purpose show any faces, tried to lead my mind, and the idea of ​​Descartes not to study and large number of science but of specialization by the talent and success of each one, teaching and learning is by that, and we Alhaddbut Prophet said _ O my Lord I seek your of science does not work, we see a consensus of ideas between philosophers and writers because they are from a single source, rhetoric, said Abu Hilal, the military in his book, the two industries, what looks like a popular proverb Egyptian _ owner Karen any two jobs a liar, because he does not runs what creates it and will cut one of them, and Baeraki They say lost Alriqstin or Almchetin, Abdul omnipotent in his book _ secrets of eloquence said _ taking so and so from so and so, but good faith, could be a writer had not seen the treatise before or coincidence and not the approach to scientific research allowed to continue Alboukt in the phenomenon and start up where the former and little summary of what reached him, and injustice, for example, accused by the World Dante playwright divine that he had stolen ideas treatise Abu Ala Marri in a message of forgiveness, and in poetry accused Arab poet ignorant man measuring buy hair and attributed to himself and the similarity with the ideas of Arab poets, and so he said _ and how much of good standing transmitted __ Fd advantages of sins, and while he says the same idea Seatri _ if __ Mhacniellai evidenced by the sins, tell me how to apologize?.
The Mutanabi _ I wanted if I Haggai proximity __ Muckle what desire self-consistent, and the like that is what Ibn Rumi __ what all that one hopes understood by __ come winds of Atchetha ships, and we find the poet ignorant before Islam Spgahma the idea Vtnolha his style, saying __ Fayalk ever need tricks without ____ and all What loves the boy is Naila, similar to some critics, the idea of ​​prose and poetry when you read the Taha Hussein said, not the Paris area as a whole earth, etc., and the poet Ali Mahmoud Taha for their love of the city of Paris, Ali Taha said poetry __ I am not a structure or the earth or __ missed Osdola Committee Gyude, and poet ignorant before Islam Arabs recognize that the language inherited republication of all people saying about it __
What Ozna say not on loan ___ or Maada in imagining Mkrora, and intensity of competition are similar to high heat of the sun, and the general public say the intense heat is deadly nerve and director of the heads of its destination, and forms of life that everyone can not lie to a doctor, and deliver the most expensive thing he has women the whole family, and Etjra describes what type of medicine, and here live Abra, not Abra book Almnfelouti, and I do not regret that I was born in the spring of the year because they are migratory and the Babylonians who they see as the beginning of the year, and Assyrians begin their year before two months, and affected Jews Pharaohs when you live with them, and considered the fall, beginning of year , and then they come captives and prisoners of the Babylonians and adopted the names of the months, the Babylonian and the beginning of the year spring, while the Arabs, Assyrians, Syriacs adopted the beginning of the year before spring two months, and affected by months of Babylon, including agriculture means such as Oyaro Babylonian and meaning of the flowers, the Assyrian and meant the gardens, and Canon Syriac and means stove fire severity of the cold and assembly around, and the month of Aviv Hebrew Jewish meant Hyacinth Green, and March, the Greek of any war, and the month of Safar Arab continued after Islam means exit all of the fighting, and my mother and her mother break at the beginning glassware and ceramics with the emergence of Crescent and say, O God, Let us evil zero, Baghdad fell, capital of Iraq's occupation of the Americans and their allies in the month of Safar Arabs love the mild weather in the performance of the pilgrimage that the idea was to start a month for the year Hijri every three years to Nha less than one calendar a fortnight every year and thus the month of pilgrimage in the fall or spring or the beginning of the calendar and Atfaúlon fall of rain as the washing of the body of sin and pool , and asked al-Mansur the Abbasid Caliph owner Abdullah bin Ayyash for four killed four names and the victims starting with the eye and said to him, the answer to a diplomat because of them, saying, _ I do not know not what you say the general public is _ that 'Ali was killed Uthman and' Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan was killed Abdul Rahman Shaggy , and Abdallahbn Zubayr and Amr bin Said, and the fourth Abdullah bin Ali fell upon the house and died, said Mansour _ why I'm me? He replied the owner _ what I told you to sin, as if Prime Minister Maliki says to those around him and Maznbe If that does not work Allawi and Tariq Baker and Barzani, including wishful thinking did not agree with the constitution or by luck, because they are not strong determination of what they want, and call to discuss the matters and the liquidation of the atmosphere in the month of Ramadan and fast like you from the people of Ramadan early, but history did not say not that the month of victories and historical and modern-day months of military coups, got it, and Baghdad was the rulers whereas making scientists all the time give opportunity to those who acknowledged allegiance to the ruler, and the model that most famous philosopher known history of Iraq, al-Ghazali, he was doubt in his mind and accused that he did not understand himself and was with the rulers, and reminds Dr. Abdel Dayem Abu Atta in a Ph.D. from the University of Rome, Italy, the beginning of the twentieth century-Ghazali criticized his book _ taken from misguidance _ say _ that the speakers imitators, and philosophers Mtakbton and the people of education, more tradition, and the mystics are the people of the right and Dr. I consider questioning and criticizing his opinion on the theory of causation, and he described that he did not understand himself, and Ibn Rushd Islamic thinker preceded in criticism of al-Ghazali, possible areas and signs of government have a role in Alochtlalv this, but that Ibn Rushd Arif mysteries of Arabic, and grew on the spirit of Islam and its teachings can be better to understand what he reads, and see the style of the philosophy of Ibn Sina and al-Farabi and the Canadian and woolen and Almnatqh and others are all linked to the type of political regime based, and Orientalists foreigners studied Arabs and Muslims, but here came the dilemma of difficult to understand Arabic, even if their effort in scientific research methodology of historical and translation and publication of the Arab world and rise up their lives for science and the purpose and intentions remain secret, but our model-Ghazali criticize him Almstherquan Alspain and French Asin Palacios and Karadi, because his style philosophy did not agree what they believe, if we go back to time and environment-Ghazali in which he lived the scientific and political allow science to come in and prevent the other, It Crucible by melting the Al-Ghazali and the school that I learned and Conteh against his will, but made his private life and public lend themselves to and shape the educational and learning and life intellectual, like any human being was the product of his private school, and include it as he wants to be in the lesson and education are of his community, and Cyrha showed the result when learning of the Ntegath intellectual, and summarized raises the question philosophers, and the question what his share of honesty and clarity and benefit and production?, while some consider no guide philosophy and argument of Islam, and the trouble is religious in Islam and the division of people into followers of the Ahl al-Bayt Prophet and the followers of scholars of public educated people for information, Islamic, and still Alochtlalv intellectual and clearly not the parties agree on a joint unites the Arab and Islamic nation and made the great misfortune is the Sykes-Picot after substitutes the Ottoman occupation occupying British, French, American and s Move the Arabs to the countries of shears, and today the navigation between the prior approval visa on the passport while entering her West and foreign without the need for it, including Egypt, Arab enters the tourist the Western European and American and Israeli without a visa and prevents the entry of Iraq, and why diplomatic principle of reciprocity and the rulers in Iraq Tserhm personal interests of the party and the Islamic religion and events, including the fasting season of worship focused, commitment and leave all evil and forbidden, but the remaining conflicts list and this aspects of public and decorations in front of people and fast to wash his hands of the blood of the people and restore the rights of the oppressed and apologizes then Atahr fasting.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
رمضان للصيام وأنا لست مثلك من شعب الصيامRamadan to fast and I'm not like you from the people of fasting
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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