ياس العلي للصحافة Yas AL_Ali Journalism
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ياس العلي للصحافة Yas AL_Ali Journalism

منتدى متخصص بالصحافة الحرة نشر وتعليق وتحليل للمقالات والأخبار والأحداث صحافة متخصصة وأرشيف لتاريخ الصحاقة بالعراق والعالم العربي وموقع مفتوح لكل من يود النشر والمساهمة رقم الأعتماد في نقابة الصحفيين العراقيين بغداد
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 Monopoly artists intelligence war

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 518
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/10/2011
العمر : 64
الموقع : https://yasjournalist.yoo7.com/

Monopoly artists intelligence war Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Monopoly artists intelligence war   Monopoly artists intelligence war Emptyالسبت أغسطس 01, 2015 8:48 pm

Monopoly artists intelligence war
I understand British intelligence Hitler war in the forties formatting to World War Ithanih and the German media of the Arab section and the manager Alshaka Iraqi origin Younes Bahri and toured the Arab countries and presented the case to Arab artists and Iraqis of them and offer a contract of employment for them and monopoly several years Purpose ensure control of the Arab interest and follow-up and the Berlin Radio Broadcasting time! And the British were quick super speed and monopolized artists Egypt, Lebanon and open the British BBC Radio offices in front of Arab artists and writers to provide dialogue and jobs as announcer and editor programs etc and arrived subject to a monopoly of the readers of the Koran and the manipulation of the feelings of Arabs ensure listening to link with the programs! They war intelligence tools and a radio and television media and print newspapers etc! It is important to Arabs understand this fact! Today the world of satellite TVs and which owned the Al-Saud and the United Arab Emirates and Qatar bought the rich Egyptians and Lebanese celebrities art, literature and politics, journalists, and the establishment of grant money Pal #! Wu held monopoly for many years and Oontql Art of Cairo and Beirut to the Gulf, the love of money is difficult! And the approval of the Government of Egypt, Lebanon and the rest of the Arabs why funding request money! Listener and viewer Arab victim! Oksr and Arab artists are from the non-Arab Kurds of assets such as Ragheb Alama and Najwa Karam etc. and Circassians and Dagestanis etc. of minorities that have entered Islam and Arabs lived in the country with invasions and wars!
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Monopoly artists intelligence war
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