ياس العلي للصحافة Yas AL_Ali Journalism
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ياس العلي للصحافة Yas AL_Ali Journalism

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 My land free of pollution of civilization!

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 518
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/10/2011
العمر : 63
الموقع : https://yasjournalist.yoo7.com/

My land free of pollution of civilization! Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: My land free of pollution of civilization!   My land free of pollution of civilization! Emptyالسبت يونيو 16, 2012 8:50 pm

My land free of pollution of civilization!

Stripped the day from the night and Tsoroa mihrab Iraqi Tfajotm Btfjerathm! Not a political analyst and military predicted what happened in Iraq and will get all of them speak about the world of Okhrwalhakikh know the results and see the surprises of events political and security did not expect one where the analysis on the basis of information and sources close to the political decision and if the Vice President's ruling secret of Iraq to the political institutions of this and claim religious opinion sectarian religious history of Biden's ruler!, after what I've heard people voice blamed her husband, the story of women in Iraq are well known, statements to the media accusing the cooperation of the actors in the security forces and armed and the other analyzes and imagination has nothing to do with reality and are beginning to understand life Iraq in conflict Taúqa national and religious doctrinal, and after the occupation repeated every one to plant an object behind him in the pyramid of government hit him the moment appropriate to break down this world to the Iraqi victim's permanent because of the band and their commitment to nationalism and loyalty to denominational religious at the expense of national belonging for their country, the definition of the term pollution of civilization means the entry of individuals into communities of European and U.S. and international migrants and refugees take advantage of sexual and office, democracy and respect for human rights in the positions obtained for the exercise of revenge on countries that drove them out of them and this phenomenon of pollution in the community incubator for them, and the extension of thought confessional with neighboring countries to impose a moral obligation we paid the price we were merciful those who live with us because we are a center light of Prophethood Islamic East in particular and deceived us that we reference them and slipped to become on our reference to Nawand U.S. occupation shared his Bzbhana and the theft of our country and the financing of sedition and the elimination of all the features of civilization we have, I would like to live on the land is home to me free of pollution of civilization any outsiders from outsiders to the community they belong to him and thinker English Jean-Luc select community pool members after their faith Association ideological generate leadership promising them with her and take the land with a base pool and the adoption of home her believe all individuals to sacrifice for the thought and belief this is not such as Iraq, as described by the Constitution federal federal which is composed of the Federation regions where communities are different from other such nationalism such as the Kurds and Sunni Arabs in the center and the Arab Shia in the south, Turkmen and judge the other, and you choose from the peoples and societies of the world from each country recipe I think is good to be my home Example - from Japan to maintain the heritage and Cia and the circuit, planning and work, because I saw Tdikh dressed her grandmother's legacy for hundreds of years the popular , and from Norway to us a friend to this day did not buy a mobile, when attending to work in the company related to the telephone company while our family more than 14 line of mobile and Internet and spend thousands of dollars a year on communications, and China we have seen research centers example _ researcher visited the Arab and record all the needs of the market In order to prevent uniform Arab dishdasha and Achammag and cover the head and headdress, and today are all from China to Ajawarab and underwear production of China, while not worn do not Arab folk costume for them, and Egypt can not in a diverse society choose the feature you like it like you want an example _ wrote on the wall of Cairo Airport, DC (Aadakhl Egypt A Zec any like you), and America does not take but chaos because they are filming movies that they are the smartest people as I saw documented cases we have women who do not read nor write was studying primary school of Iraqi students seek refuge in the UNHCR obviate the UN example _ claimed one of them that her husband fighters to al Qaeda in Iraq fighting and she ran away from it a secret!, was granted asylum and lived for years in America and other claimed her husband was kidnapped by sectarian militias, while it is from the south and the Shiite Arabs and granted asylum and then claimed to have found it has been affixed by and living in America today, this stupidity is clear from the election of Obama President of the United States of America as it is of Avratkie from Kenya, and the invasion of civilization multiplicity of nationalities of refugees and immigrants have failed to benefit her but hurt her and he offers to America a Muslim immigrants advice because we have Wyatt Islamic inherited talking about Obama and it describes in detail and how it will destroy America on his hands! and Source book Nahj are sermons of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (AS) of the sermon Basra, Part III, a reference to the doctrine Arab Shiite Muslim and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said _ it _ said the Prophet Mohammed in his hand the noble from Medina Hijaz to Iraq and said ČĂÎŃ time will come you a black slave of these folds, referring to Iraq, etc.! , Described Obama and his group and the leader Lebanese Abu Zeid immigrant to America and pollution of civilization refugees and migrants in Europe as well as find a woman member of parliament in Sweden of Iraqi origin, abandoned Saddam Iranians naturalized in Iraq in 1980 to Iran, which were rejected by then granted United Nations asylum for them in Europe, America, Australia and received citizenship and some of them where he was born, studied and obtained positions in international organizations and the United Nations and after the 2003 U.S. occupation of Iraq and the emergence of militias, sectarian religious exercises kidnapping, murder and displacement of the changing demographics of the cities migrated Sunni Arabs to the Arab neighbors and registered applicants invoked in the UN was exercising staff where of the model Mazkrna above pollution of civilization pressure and reprisals of displaced Iraqis, and the other members of the parliaments of Europe and the political world have exercised more to prevent the granting of these asylum known as the United Nations is the government department of the U.S. State Department, and the Arab countries do not help these people do not give them asylum or residence or to accept their children in universities to study for free, and in Saudi Arabia 10 million foreigners working and residing does not accept Hala does not allow them to Hajj and Umrah, or access to the land of their ancestors Arab Muslim conquerors of Iraq after his return Iraq to the Persians Iranians supposed to returning these to the land of their ancestors, but confiscated the endowments, which he froze them in Mecca and Medina and gave it to the royal family of Al Saud built with foreign companies, towers, hotels rented to pilgrims in millions of dollars a month is not satisfied Bashriqh proceeds from the sale of Arab oil and imports of Hajj and violated Islamic law and returned to the era of pre-Islamic by the Islam practiced what he wanted Abraha gas to Mecca and put banners bear their names in the corners of the Kaaba door of the King so and Prince Allan like suspensions poets of ignorance, the religious leaders of the Arab Islamic silent does not comment because it did not issue a fatwa wasting the blood of Israelis occupiers of Holy Jerusalem the capital of Arab Palestine and the occupiers of Iraq, the Americans, while issued a fatwa waste the blood of Iraqis when he was Saddam's invasion of Kuwait to the legitimacy of fighting a Muslim for a Muslim Araba under is America, what I would choose from the Arab countries, science, justice and human rights Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (r) _ people are partners in three water and fire and grazing, any water, energy, fuel Ghaz, heating, electricity, food, medicine and Iraq to sell oil enough Therefore, increases a lot from him, except taxes, industry, agriculture and extraction of mineral resources, tourism, and because housing is a legitimate right available for each individual to society and the duty of the government, I would like to live in the city of a country home all the people from one nation and one religion so as not to disagree because they believe in the ideas and the doctrine of one or objection to the provisions because they are sent down from heaven the Lord great source and driving the government born of this community and not installation of the clients occupation and quotas and agreements on the theft of the people and their families live a valuable London and claims to national and nationality of the British or the other do not interfere in the internal affairs of countries in the world and remember the American occupation and its allies, in which even afford the financial Arab States and the troops entered the territory BRIEY, sea and air of the country's Arab neighbors to us and where treaties Defense joint Arab and the Arab League and the religious brotherhood and ratios Arab and shone on us President of the Republic of Kurds are an affront to Arabs contrary to all instructions office condition-old law, the maximum 61 years, while over the age of 90 years, etc. of practices of the occupation is still governor of Iraq, Biden!!!
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My land free of pollution of civilization!
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